Sunday, April 20, 2008

Journal # 9

Are Schools Inhibiting 21st Century Learning?
By Dave Nagel

This article focuses on the importance of incorporating technology in the classroom. Nagel explains how many teachers have the desire to use more technology in their classroom, but either do not have the knowledge or skill to incorporate it or want more direction as to how to use it with certain parameters. “Among middle and high school students, 40 percent indicated that teachers are limiting their use of technology in schools…..” (Nagel)
Many students now have relied and adapted to technology use for both personal and educational purposes. Nagel mentions how in today’s society that many students have surpassed teachers and parents in their sophistication of their use in technology. Which, is why it is significant for our nation to maintain the usage of technology in our educational system. Social networking is a tool that can be powerful in educational technology, in which students can have a way to collaborate with others and communicate.
Gaming, “a training technique in which the student is presented situations involving choice and risks. The choices and the consequences resemble real life situations, and the players are reinforced for various decisions. Gaming is typically an enjoyable learning method for the student”, has become extremely popular with kids today. According to surveys taken, the majority of middle and high school students feel that utilizing games as a way to learn makes it a lot easier to understand. Surprisingly, teachers were also very receptive to the idea. They felt that educational gaming” would be an effective tool for students with different learning styles and would help to engage the students in their coursework”.
Along with gaming, teachers and students felt that it would be effective if mobile technologies, such as, laptops, cell phones, digital media players, and other devices, were included in learning. The reason why they think this would be effective is because not only can they use these devices in the classroom, but they can also use them when they go home. For instance, if they have a project that is unfinished, they can take it home and finish it at home.

Why is it so important to incorporate technology in education today?
The importance of incorporating technology in education today is so that students can have the ability, skill, and knowledge, of how to utilize technological advances with anything that they do. Technology is becoming such a huge part of society today, that it would be a disservice to them if they were not taught it.

What is your feeling on gaming?
I think that using gaming to learn sounds like a great idea! I feel that when teaching it is important to keep the kids attention and interest and what better way to do it than this.

Journal # 8

Making Field Trips Podtastic!
By: Aliece M. Weller, John C. Bickar, and Paul McGuiness

This article shares a new perspective of learning that involves the use of handheld wireless technology to help guide students on fieldtrips to such places like museums and exhibits. The idea that the authors are focusing on is using podcasting to help guide the students through their exploratory visit to different places. Podcasting can be very beneficial for students in a learning environment. Some of the advantages are that they can take digital photos and videos, record audio interviews of other museum staff and visitors, record notes in a variety of text and audio formats, and access additional information via the Internet on topics of their choosing. This idea works great because it can get students very engaged in what they are learning and observing. Not only does podcasting help the students with their learning experience, but it also satisfies the National Education Technology Standards and the temporary skills of digital literacy, inventive thinking, and effective communication.
A couple downfalls to using podcasting during fieldtrips is that there is not as much human interaction going. I feel that while it is a great idea to use podcasting while on these interactive field trips, it also does not make sense that there would be less interaction going on because each student would be so consumed in doing his or her own thing. Another downfall that may occur is that the teacher may be creating more work by having to create each podcast.
Podcasting seems to be something that will become more familiar in education. It is an exceptional tool to not only use to teach the students but, also to keep them up on their technological skills and knowledge!


What do you think is a downfall to podcasting during fieldtrips?

I feel that a huge downfall to this is not enough human interaction. I think that fieldtrips are meant to not only learn something, but also fun! I think that many children look forward to getting out of the same setting they face everyday, and when they go on a fieldtrip, they get to have a bit of fun. Using these podcasts, make the trip more individual rather than interactive.

Would you use podcasting during fieldtrips in your class?

I am not sure if I would use podcasting for fieldtrip because I would want the interaction with my students. If there was a way to incorporate podcasting for part of the trip and also have interactive activities for the other part, I would probably use it.

Journal # 7

Creating with Technology
By David Saygers & Savilla Banister
This article is about how the Toledo School of Arts grades 6-12 use digital technology to maintain their curriculum in both academics and the arts. The reason why this particular school was singled out is because it was rated “Excellent” in 2006 and 2007 by the Ohio Department of Education. This school puts a lot of emphasis on integrating the arts, academics, and technology, which are all important subjects in school and in the learning process.
Because this is a charter school, they have the benefit of having a lot more freedom in their learning and teaching techniques. Many charter schools cater to children individually rather then just relying on what the rules and regulation are. For instance, Toledo School of Arts music department offers a lot more to students than public schools. They provide two specialty labs to help them out with keyboards and recording. In the Keyboarding class the students learn how to understand the written language of music and in the recording studio they are learning how to take their compositions and translate them into acoustic or electronic performances. As a result of this, the sixth graders can learn how to create and produce an audio CD and by the time they are seniors in high school they are capable of becoming more professional producers.
I think that this is a great idea because it helps students to use technological advances with their studies. Along with this benefit it also gives the students something to look forward to when they graduate. When they are through with school they will have this amazing project that they have been working on for quite some time that will reflect their talents and technological skills. Some of the skills that these students will encompass while producing this CD will be their knowledge of visual graphics for CD covers, printing, and burning. I am extremely impressed with the ability and skills of these students in this program and hope that one day this is something that public schools could consider, especially since education has become very technological.


Do you agree with what this school does with their technology?

I think that integrating the arts, academic, and technology are a great idea. I feel that this is an amazing way for students to learn different techniques and skills with technology. I feel that if anything this is an asset for a student to have, especially when they go out into the real world.

Do you wish that your school had a program like this when you were growing up?

Yes, I feel that having a program like this in my school would have made me a bit more familiar with technology today. I feel that if the school embeds these types of skills early on than students would be more prepared to take on more corporate jobs after they graduate.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Journal # 6 Podcasting

Podcasting is the distribution of audio or video files that are downloaded and heard from others on the internet using either an MP3 or a computer. Podcasting has become another tool for students and faculty to use in their education. The word “Podcast” comes from “broadcast” and means almost the same thing except that podcasting is more specific, where as broadcasting is more general.. Podcasting offers teachers many creative tools for knowledge and teaching it. I think that this is a great way to collaborate with different teachers around the world to share information and learning techniques. I think that many students gravitate and are more receptive to learning when there is interesting and up to date information being communicated, which is exactly what Podcasting can offer. Another great thing about podcasting is that students can also use this tool by using for research or completing assignments. This is a very convenient source of knowledge for children because many of them already have an MP3 and or computer.

On the Classroom 2.0 website I found a lot of great information on podcasting. Many of the teachers on this site were collectively helping one another out and gaining information at the same time. If one teacher had a question on how to use something or needed some suggestions on how to find information, then another teacher would help them out to the best of their ability. They would also share their work and knowledge on podcasting with one another. I think that this site is amazing because it offers educators the opportunity to network with each other for free and exchange information on education. Many of the threads that were posted gave links to other sites that could also be helpful for others to use as a resource for podcasting.

Podcasting is a great tool for everybody to use, especially educators! Now that there are budget cuts occurring everywhere, podcasting gives teachers the opportunity to take matters in their own hands and get the resources that they feel will help them teach students.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Jounal # 4

Envisioning the Future of Education
Learning While Mobile
By Mark Van ‘T Hooft

This article was very interesting to read. It describes how learning is becoming more individual yet shared and networked. It goes on to tell us how technologies such as cell phones and the Internet are becoming household names, and because of that it is important that education stays up on how to incorporate learning and technology. The author mentions how not only is our environment becoming unpredictable, but so is our learning. Hooft focuses on what our future of education could bring by zeroing in on the concept of learning while mobile.
Learning while mobile means that we need to look at the steady mobility of knowledge and our society. It focuses on the connections between learners and technology. “Emphasizing that learning is a social process”. The two most important facets of learning while mobile are conversation and context.
Conversation in this topic means to have the capability not just to trade knowledge, but to also have the abilty to discuss what they know about the topic with others. It basically teaches children to share their information or questions with their networking group.
“Learning while mobile is also learning within and across context”. This gives the kids an opportunity to not only share their knowledge and work with their class, but also with others. This is basically an informal way of learning rather than formal. This networking essentially creates a “bridge” between schools and society”. Some examples of how students can learn while mobile are MyArtSpace, Frequency1550, and National Museum of National Science. However, there can be some issues that may arise by using these tools, such as; participation gap, transparency problem, ethics challenge, and fear factor.
Because our society is becoming more dependent on technology, the importance of teaching the students how to be ethical, safe, and productive are extremely important. If the school district can teach the kids how to learn while mobile safely, this can be a huge benefit for the children’s’ future.

Question 1
What is your feeling on learning while mobile?

I think that this is great idea! I especially love MyArtSpace, because it gives the kids an opportunity to display the work that they are so proud of with many others.

Question 2
Do you think that our society is becoming too dependent on technology?

Absolutely not! I feel that having technology gives us another tool to have to help us to become better learners! Many times it is hard to find what you are looking for in a library or from texts in a timely manner, and when one has access to a computer you can find anything on there.

Journal # 3

Five Don’ts of Classroom Blogging
By Julie Sturgeon

This article discusses the importance of incorporating blogging into the classroom curriculum, but taking precaution while do it. The Dubbles, an engineer teacher, mentions how, “there may be problems that come along with blogging, but the potential trouble is worth the rewards”. The author interviews a couple of teachers about blogging and what their input is on it. Collaboratively they come up with five Don’ts of classroom blogging.
Don’t just dive in is the first don’t. Anne Davis, an information systems training specialist at Georgia State University, mentions how it is important for teachers to have the students and parents sign off on a waiver stating that they are aware of the rules that cover bullying, slander, and foul language. If they break any of these rules the students will lose their Internet privileges. Along with the don’t Anne goes on to discuss how blogging can be beneficial for your children. One of the main benefits was that they could become better writers. “Writing notification is one of the most difficult things to do for students”.
Secondly, Don’t confuse blogging with social networking. Many times blogging can be confused with social networking sites such as, MySpace and Facebook. For blogging to be an academic tool for the students’ blogging should only be for discussing course work and not personal matters.
Thirdly, Don’t leap at the freebies. Jeffery Yan, a professor and CEO of e-portfolio developer Digitation, discusses how just because a blogging site is free does not mean that it is the best site for the school districts needs. Even though, the site is free of cost, the amount of advertisements on the sites can cause several problems for the school. Davis suggests trying Class Blogmeister because it is simple and offers teachers control over what is going on in the blogs.
Don’t force a sequential style is the fourth don’t. What this section talks about is that the person who is structuring the blog should title their blogs by title rather than by time in order for it to be more convenient for not only the subscriber to find a certain blog, but also for someone who is reading your blog.
Finally, Don’t leave the blogging to the students. This section lets us know that the teacher should also be blogging to communicate with outsiders, students, faculty, and parents.
Blogging is something that can really help a student come out of their shell and open up. That is the problem with many kids today; they don’t want to talk out loud because they fear what others will think. Blogging is another option for them to reveal their opinions.

Question 1
When the students are on the computer blogging at school, how will you block them from getting onto to those other social networking sites?

I think that if a school is going to have this program that they should put up blockers on the computers to stop the students from entering those sites.

Question 2
Are you going to do blogging in your classroom?

I would definitely use blogging in my classroom. I am actually excited to try this. The good thing about blogging is that you can you use it with any grade level. I feel that it is important to teach the students, regardless of their age, about computers so that they can use this in their future.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Jounal # 2

Speaking Math Using Chat in the Multicultural Math Classroom
By Janet Graham and Ted Hodgson

Speaking Math Using Chat in the Multicultural Math Classroom, is an article that discusses how online chat discussions are beneficial for many students. This chat room forces students to use mathematical vocabulary and talk about math in general. Osbourne High School was the school that the authors chose to do their study on because they have incorporated online discussions in two of their math classes. From their own experience, they like what the results have been from implementing this into their math classes.
They focus their online discussion on math vocabulary and concepts so that they are fluent in what it means and how to use it. They have found this to be especially effective with students who do not have the best English skills or are not as privileged as others may be. The reason why they feel that electronic communication to be effective is because it allows these children that are non-native speakers to take time to plan out a well thought of answer without feeling pressure in class. It also gives them the opportunity to look at how other students use vocabulary and they can apply to their own answer. Working on computers to chat with peers is also a good thing for non-native students because then they will not be judged for the way the look, but for the answer that they put down. Many students are not quite secure with the person that they are, which as a result, makes them uncomfortable talking in class. Having the opportunity to chat takes the edge off of things and allows students the freedom to learn in an environment where they are not judged so much.
Another reason why electronic communication is great to use is not only can the children get more acquainted with the computer, but they can also incorporate different subjects at the same time. While chatting online about certain subjects the students can also chat about whatever else they are learning in class.
I am all for these electronic chats as long as they are supervised. I feel that this is a great way for students to learn how to communicate by using technology. As we all know technology is forever advancing and we need to make sure that the children are getting the knowledge on how to familiarize their self with it.

Question 1
What happens to the students who are second language learners that become dependent on hiding behind a computer to communicate?

While, I think that it is important for teachers to keep up on teaching their children to stay up to date with technology, I also feel that it is important for the teachers not to forget the basic skills that a child needs to have. I feel that being able to teach the students how to use computers is an advantage and that teachers should definitely realize that the kids need to be able to perform the communication skills needed to become successful.

Question 2
How does web discussions help the non-native speakers in school?

This type of web discussion helps non-native speakers because it gives them a chance to take their time to answer something without feeling pressure. They also have the opportunity to read what their peers are writing to trigger some ideas of their own.